各章一般分为若干节,每节又可能分为若干小节,每章、节、小节一般都有标题。无论是在正文中还是在目录中,各章标题所有实 词首字母大写,居中,其他分节标题左对齐、实词首字母大写。6.引语 引语格式采用美 …
世界银行集团诚信合规指南摘要. As part of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) continuing effort to improve its sanctions regime, the existing sanction of debarment with conditional release has …
The corresponding author should sign and upload this form with the manuscript submission. Its purpose is to inform all interested parties of any significant affiliations or relationships that any …
I will go through a list with people who lived in this household at the time of the previous interview in the summer of 2008. Please let me know for each of these people if they are still …
笔者认为,要弄清近代早期英国家庭关系到底是变革,还是延续,必须首先明确中世纪的情况。 因此,本项目打算将时间跨度向前延伸到中世纪,运用中世纪和近代早期的财产继承史料全面考察英国近代早期的家庭内部关 …
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